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List of Promises (Bi-Monthly Update): Setbacks and Conniving Ideas

In my first bi-monthly update, I've accomplished some, but going nowhere because personal frustrations are getting in the way of succeeding.

It's been a minute, but I wanted to update everyone about my progress regarding "The List of Promises" I've made a few months ago. Good news is some are in progress, even accomplished. Unfortunately, others haven't been started because personal setbacks are distracting me from my goals.

Since December, I've been working for the Motorsports Tribune, writing at least three articles a week. Huge confidence booster after graduating from the University of Idaho 14 months ago. I'm learning how racing media entities work (ex. timing of photos and the usage of press release) because those outlets are responsible of keeping stuff fresh. To be honest, it's keeping my hunger active as you'll find out in a moment.

On the other hand, setbacks are buzzkills and my battles indicate nothing is perfect. I'm dealing with personal demons after going a week without turmoil. Also, my status in my two jobs is anything but satisfactory.

I loathe working in the arena at Everett, patiently waiting for a callback from a co-worker that's in charge of game operations with emphasis in videography. I could care less if I get the nod once a month, better than nothing and it'll keep me happy.

Working in the abyss isn't helping me financially and if I'm going to accomplish my goals, I need to save money which I've done. But I've come to realize, it's still not enough.

Down at CenturyLink Field, satisfactory rate isn't any better either because I'm only working twice in March. I'm still not making a difference like I did in my academic career and at Cispus.

It annoys me each time I work there and had me thinking I must work elsewhere to overcome my financial struggles. This state isn't doing it for me and again, resentments of graduating a semester early at Idaho kicked in because no stable jobs equals no financial gains.

Annoying, but I'm just damn hungry to prove that this Idaho graduate refuses to fail.

Without further ado, here's my progress as of February 22, 2018.

Promise No. 1: Travel to Learn New Things (In Progress)

Part of my savings is indeed a much needed vacation from Washington. I've been in talks that I could travel to Mexico this spring and snap a 14-year drought. There are some caveats of course including which time period I could visit that doesn't interfere (or lack-thereof) with my two jobs. It won't be a 100% vacation as I do plan of writing racing articles when I'm down there and it's up to me to figure what I'll be focusing on.

A trip to Southern California this summer is another place I've been in talks with my family. Will see on both because nothing is guaranteed, but I do see this promise fulfilled. It's just a matter of if-and-when that'll take place.

Who knows, a trip to Charlotte or Las Vegas may come from out of nowhere and that too will be a learning experience.

I'll say this, a trip to Charlotte will be treated as a business trip because that city is the mecca of where I want to end up in my profession.

Promise No. 2: Serve Others About Life (No Progress)

Like I've alluded in my two jobs, it's been a struggle. I've pondered if I should consider telling my stories at schools and larger facilities, but that's just crazy. For a positive ending to occur, I must get on-board with this outlandish idea.

What made me love my run as a Junior Counselor at Cispus was serving others and not shying away about the obstacles all of us go through on a daily basis.

Almost three years removed, I still miss the environment and hope someday I can make that impact in some capacity again.

I really need the appropriate outlet and opportunity to open those gates and help people without hesitation.

Promise No. 3: Belongingness (In Progress)

After a strong January, I haven't had a chance to focus on a single promise besides this one.

My script is undergoing editing and if things go well, starting putting a video together this spring sounds ideal. Unlike one other promise, this project isn't timely. At the same time, if this gets completed before June, then I'll consider it a success.

Belongingness goes unnoticed, but that'll change when the script comes to life. To the people I've shared it to already, I have a great feeling it'll be a strong message.

Promise No. 4: Media Outlet (Accomplished)

Despite ongoing battles about getting a gig as game operator in Everett, working for the Motorsports Tribune since January was the break I needed as a relative newcomer in the journalism side of multimedia.

So far everything's great. I'm oing through a minor rust, but that's going away. I've had my challenges like translating accidents into text to get my point across like Aric Almirola's last lap heartbreak at Daytona. Hope by November, I've become a much better writer and look back with a smile.

Promise No. 5: Motorsports Weekend (In Progress)

My intentions are still covering the weekend events at Sonoma Raceway (NASCAR) and Portland International Raceway (IndyCar Series).

I spent about an hour last night to see if there are other events that may be more feasible to cover instead of just Sonoma for NASCAR. The IndyCar race is a shoe-in, I'm not letting that one slip away because its my home track.

The setbacks were imminent, finding hotels are a drag and finding a buddy to stay with or third job is a necessity. Sure I have a decent amonut saved up, but the more I have, the better I'll be come race weekend.

This is a definite case for tracks like Charlotte Motor Speedway and even Texas Motor Speedway, I need to get in talks and figure out how I can make those trips possible.

On the bright side, Las Vegas Motor Speedway will have a second Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series date this September.

Early research helps my cause, but it depends if one, the Seahawks doesn't have a home game. Two, I need to make my mind up two months before the event takes place so I can get credentialed.

Fun looking up possible places to attend, but it requires money and a buddy system.

Promise No. 6: Driving (Progress Wise, Absolute Bust!)

Spring is coming and I must make a phone call at a driving school not far from home. It kills me as a 23-year-old, but this is the year I'll get my license! No more bullshit!

Promise No. 7: Create a Film About My Favorite Places (None)

I was told if I'll be able to film the first home football game with the new grandstands at Granite Falls High School later in the year. Sounds like a great video to produce and think about some time.

I have a couple of videos I want to conquer this year and these are my outlandish ideas:

1) A week at Mt. Triumph Leadership Camp: Recaps and interviews of why this place was near and dear to my heart would be my angle.

What am I thinking? Slim chance. Carry on!

2) Local racing drivers in the state of Washington: It's not hard to find a motocross, sprint car and late model drivers around my neck of the woods. I want to give them some limelight and if I get the right equipment soon, I'm ready to make it possible.

3) Motorsports Weekend Recaps for the Tribune: I've had this vision once I was welcomed to the team, of course writing will be the bread and butter when I cover races, but a food for thought.

4) More High School Football games: I got to keep evolving and produce better football coverage. Last year was rough because I used a DSLR without a high-quality audio, it suffered quite a bit and I sense this fall will be different.

5) International Tales: I'll admit, interviewing individuals with a compelling story when they traveled outside of America for school or their personal adventures are fascinating.

It'll change over time, but doing one of those five will be sweet and a tremendous way to expand my portfolio.

Promise No. 8: New Home (In Progress)

It may happen and when it does, I'll be celebrating with joy because I need my own area to legitimately produce content without any distractions.

I work better in an area where I have full control of what I want to accomplish. Who knows, I'll be calm about life instead of being hellbent over everything.

Promise No. 9: Autism Awareness (No Progress)

I intend of sending a couple of people my script, but before I do this, I have to check my script and see if it doesn't come off as rubbish. It may require me to write another script from scratch.

This one is timely because I'd love to have the script done in a week or two, get a cast and buy props to support my vision, and availability to bring this pet project to life.

A bit stressful, but it has to be done because the second day of April (Autism Awareness Day) is looming fast.

Promise No. 10: Photoshoot (No Progress)

It hasn't been a priority of mine so far because the people I have in mind and of course, be willing to partake in this project isn't concrete.

This is a fun project instead of "I must do this, no exceptions."

As the year progresses, I may have time focusing on finding people to do a photoshoot and expand my versatility in multimedia.

Promise No. 11: Video Profiles on People (No Progress)

Same concerns I have with the photoshoot, applies to video profiles. It's not on my radar at this time.

For now, I'll keep an eye on how they're done through Instagram, NFL Films and what I recently watched, Facebook Watch's "Behind The Wall."

Promise No. 12: Dream Internship (Denied)

My dream of being an intern for NASCAR is dead. Didn't even qualify in the next round for their diversity program like last year. Still a bit angry (Fox Sports' coverage of the Daytona 500 didn't help either), but I look at it as motivation. I'll prove the sport that they've missed a great and knowledgeable hard worker like Luis Torres. I won't fade away, I will make it. Just watch.

While my dream internship backfired, another internship may rise soon with the Mukilteo Beacon. I have a good feeling something great could come out of the opportunity and I'm looking forward to see if I can strike a deal with them.

Promise No. 13: Get a Support System (In Progress)

The support system in my profession is in progress for sure, but I'd love to get more support from my once-closest peers and yes, my two guest service jobs, for this to be a success.

Patience is key and with the opportunity I have at the Tribune (and other entities), it'll arrive when I least expect it.

Promise No. 14: Memoir Project (In Progress)

When I made a promise to myself that I'll write a memoir, I thought it'll fall through after a week. Fortunately, I haven't missed a day recapping my journey despite one time I wrote at 3am about that night serving the Amazon employees.

I chose 2018 as the year to make this project a thing, albeit it's just focusing on this year.

However, I intend of doing a long-term project, recapping my life without censorship. It's a grind to reflect, but its a part of my life and when that time comes to pitch in the idea of publishing my story, I'll know I've done the right thing.

In the meantime, I'll keep writing on my journal and think about what made me happy, angry, devastated and hell, some comedic tidbits.

For example, I wrote an article about a driver's crew chief being suspended, minutes after that particular driver's column was published. Can't make that stuff up.

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