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Thanksgiving 2018: Reflecting on Those Who've Helped Me This Past Year

Thanksgiving is more than just food, but a time of reflection of what's gone down over the past year, and it couldn't be done without certain people helping me in some capacity.

Thanksgiving Day is the time of year when we reflect and thank those who are a part of our lives. However, this year is a concerning time for my family.

It's the first Thanksgiving that I recall without the entire family together, as my father's out of the country, seeing his mom (my grandma) who's battling for her life at the moment. While the recovery process is positive so far, it's not a good time for us and simply wish she pulls through.

Outside of family issues, it has been quite a year when it comes to reflection and understanding who's there for me, and who's not. In a time of giving thanks, not just today, but all throughout 2018, I can't express enough the opportunities I've gotten and the people I've met this year. Whether its at the track or having catch-up meals, each time I've spent is valuable.

I've might've mentioned it before, but one of the struggles I've had over the years is simply being grateful on the things I've been able to do and those who have been there with me. After last year, I had to really change my mindset because I've put my fondest moments, especially my days at Idaho, by the wayside. It had gotten to the point of vitriol and jealousy that I hate reflecting to the 3.5 years I studied there.

Changes had to be made and I can say that I'm happy with most of my progress and have enjoyed the moments as it unfolded. Otherwise, why would I write about it?

Although I'm far from satisfied in terms of how I'm making a financial living on a weekly basis, and no, I won't discuss what I do. Other than that and struggling finding my personal freedom at home, I've taken the time and reflected on the opportunities and individuals who've stuck with me this year.

I made a post this past Monday about how thankful I've been being a part of Motorsports Tribune. It's given me brand new hope of showcasing how to break news or report what happened to a specific driver's race. Not just that, but traveling to the races for the first time and attempting to make a name for myself.

Sure, the challenges of covering races in person instead of home was loud and clear, but I'd rather learn now than say, in 2025. Challenges has molded me to what I am and it'll continue for as long as I live.

Now going into next year, one of my goals is to try going to at least one race on a bi-monthly basis. The reason is simple, continue to explore my boundaries as a journalist and help the website grow. Not only that, but an escape from the West Coast, because outside of a weekend trip to Houston in 2011, it's been just that region. I'll go into greater detail next month.

The fact of the matter is, I see so much potential that I do believe next year will be a breakthrough. Not just me, but everyone involved. I'm simply excited for what's in store and what I can bring to the table, and it wouldn't be possible without the crew who keep the site afloat. I'm just one piece of the puzzle, and certainly thankful to have them and learn from those guys. It's the type of help that'll stick with me in the years to come.

To those I've caught up with or spoken in great detail this year in some shape or form, you guys deserve some of the credit too. I'm blessed to have some people by my side, especially those who have never given up on me after a terrible 2017 when it appeared everyone left. I've been hanging in there and haven't given up this silly dream.

It's you guys that keep my life a bit interesting whenever I need to see some of you after months, maybe years. That's why you're part of this entry because you guys deserve a "thank you" from me.

Now that I've mentioned my colleagues and friends, what about the family?

They've put up with my naive personality and ambitions of making this career work. Whether its writing my articles during errands on a weekly basis or doing part-time work at the arena, including camerawork at the last-minute this past Tuesday, resulting in my first-ever hockey game, at least you care in some capacity.

Sometimes its been frustrating convincing that things will work out, and it has driven me into insanity. For better or worse, I hope you guys respect what I've done this year as a writer and media personnel.

The appreciation won't go away. Remember that.

If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be where I am right now. I can't image what would happen without the help, but glad to be around to thank you.

To those who are with family or friends (I've never been to a Friendsgiving in my life, there's your factoid of this entry), just remember those who have helped you this past year. Tell them thank you for being there, and making you a better person.

Those going through frustrating times like I've been, be close with those who you can trust. Hell, even watch some football or enjoy the food. Just don't lose sight of those you believe in and has helped you.

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving Day and until we meet again, stay safe and if shit hits the fan, record the damn thing HORIZONTAL!

Oh yeah, don't go too crazy over the Apple Cup either. Then again, it's your life so its up to you how you spend it.

Anyways, catch you guys later!

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