List of Promises (Bi-Monthly Update): Escaping Post-Grad Blues

Living the dream for the first time is an enriching feeling, backed up with a job that I actually enjoy without breaking my back or feeling burnt out on a daily basis. The past two months has really been a success for my promises.
Is there life after "Post-Grad Blues?" Well after accomplishing a lot of promises or have made great progress, its safe to say that there is.
I went through a lot since my last update in April. Had to take a break from the maddening world of Facebook and Twitter before feeling that it's time to put Idaho in my rear-view mirror, and not let it be such a mind fuck (excuse my language).
Had to look at myself in the mirror during that time off and figure my life together. Otherwise, as one person told me, I'll have unforgiving thoughts for those who've done me wrong over the past 18 months. As this damn record came on, I don't know why, but I had an epiphany that it's time to let go, and focus on what's important which is my career.
Someday I'll open up what I went through in greater detail, but being simple doesn't hurt. Since going through that epiphany, a lot of good has happened. I now have a job in video production (I haven't put it on my Facebook bio because I still don't know my official job title) in Everett. I've covered my first ever NASCAR weekend at Sonoma Raceway last week, and if I keep things up at the Motorsports Tribune, greater things are yet to come.
Sure, I still have two jobs I'm not particularly fond of, but it's keeping me hungry to pursue upcoming ventures that'll be mesmerizing. It's what's allowing me to invest on areas I'd love to explore because staying in Washington can run its course after awhile.
With half the year completed, I've successfully accomplished 4 of 14 promises with only two that I've failed to fulfill. As I've said in December, even one promise would make 2018 miles better than 2017. Four promises that I've completed must mean I'm doing something right.
So what exactly have I accomplished, and what needs work?
Well, here's my progress as of June 29, 2018.
Promise No. 1: Travel to Learn New Things (Accomplished)
It may not be Mexico, but exploring Northern California last weekend was quite extraordinary when the area I stayed is the mecca of wine. Finally tasted that hyped liquor that put Sonoma on the map. I must say, I can see why because it was delightful.

Cue this music! Wonderful place, and I haven't even put every photo I've taken last weekend on my computer. This was taken Sunday evening, a few hours after the Toyota/Save Mart 350 ended.
Not only that, it was peaceful and mellowed out compared to the stereotype where snobs and violence rule the state. Glad I was able to say for a few days and just embrace the weather and quiet environment because I haven't had one since graduating from Idaho.
Of course, I hope I do get to travel other places, and learn more about the area I'm staying for x-amount of days.
Promise No. 2: Serve Others About Life (Shaking My Head)
My guest serving days is pretty much coming to an end. I just don't know when because one of my job's has taken a lot of time from CenturyLink Field, and I don't think I can commit to a group of people if training and concerts fall on work days.
What I really want to do is simply have a group of people, and just have a conversation about what I've been through. More so, what they've been through like their ups and downs, so I can properly understand people. There's some places I'd love to make it happen, but it seems slim to none at 23 years old.
Promise No. 3: Belongingness (On Hold)
Hasn't been touched since April, but I'm not giving up this vision yet. Kind of wished I had this ready by July, but in the grand scheme of things, this subject is relevant all year long. Not just one month!
Promise No. 4: Media Outlet (Accomplished)
When I was at Sonoma, I thought about this particular promise. I've come a long way since joining the Tribune in January, and excited to represent them last week. It was a beautiful learning experience covering the race with the established guys who cover racing for a living is like Cloud 9. That weekend is just the beginning as I'm not done yet.
Promise No. 5: Motorsports Weekend (Accomplished)
Taking photos on the side (I took way more than 200, but had to select the best ones, just in case I do want to try photography someday), writing 11 articles, and living a full NASCAR weekend at Sonoma. It just can't get any better than that. Will see if that holds up when the Verizon IndyCar Series comes to Portland this Labor Day weekend which I intend of covering that one. Why the hell not? It's in Oregon, just about a four hour drive.
One of my personal favorite articles I wrote was about Kyle Larson clearing up some of his comments regarding why he's so passionate about sprint car racing. I was admired how Larson explained that he's a racing fan, not just a NASCAR fan, but a racing fan. He encourages fans to be open-minded, like I was back in 2004 when I started following F1 after just watching NASCAR the year before. Stuff like Larson's comments is why I love racing, and hope to do this journalism thing as long as possible.

While the photo came out dark than I would've liked, interviewing Justin Marks about his goal of climbing Mount Everest someday makes great stories. Here's what Justin had to say about it, and other good stuff.
Now that Sonoma is done and over, what's my next motorsports event? Come August 11, the NASCAR K&N Pro Series West drivers will make their annual stop to Evergreen Speedway in Monroe, WA. Hope I get to cover the race and take more photos (writing's first of course), and see what happens. One of the reasons why I covered the K&N race at Sonoma is for that reason, to give myself a fresh feel of NASCAR's future.
Will see how it goes, but at least two (maybe three) more race weekends in 2018.
Promise No. 6: Driving (In Progress)
It will happen! I will get my damn license before Fall! No other choice at this rate! Carry on!
Promise No. 7: Create a Film About My Favorite Places (Finally, In Progress! However, I Can't Say What It Is!)
As of right now, I'm currently working on a special project where I had one person shoot some delicate footage because where I'm from, the location is far away and with my rigorous schedule, I don't have time to self-shoot the footage. However, I have just about everything I needed, so I can finally record some narrations and add music that fits the tone.
I say it'll come out in about a week or two. What I hope to get out of this is not just to prove certain people that I bring stuff to the table, but prove that I'm that damn good in what I do, and that's producing content like videos. I have to top this video at some point because as a creator, striding for more is essential!
For the third time, here's my goals of stuff I'd love to direct and produce:
1) A week at Mt. Triumph Leadership Camp: Recaps and interviews of why this place was near and dear to my heart would be my angle.
2) Local racing drivers in the state of Washington: It's not hard to find a motocross, sprint car and late model drivers around my neck of the woods. I want to give them some limelight and if I get the right equipment soon, I'm ready to make it possible.
3) Motorsports Weekend Recaps for the Tribune: I've had this vision once I was welcomed to the team, of course writing will be the bread and butter when I cover races, but a food for thought.
4) More High School Football games: I want to produce better football coverage. The equipment is there, and when fall arrives, you bet I'll be there.
5) International Tales: I'll admit, interviewing individuals with a compelling story when they traveled outside of America for school or their personal adventures are fascinating.
Promise No. 8: New Home (These Next 10 Months Will Suck)
Nope. Might as well put an "X" because it's not going to happen anytime soon, another 10 months of survival in and out of my current home. I'll just end it with that small note.
Promise No. 9: Autism Awareness (Failed)
Not being able to create a video on April 2nd is one I'll probably not live down until next year when I try to conquer this one. It's such a passionate topic that needs positive light instead of just focusing on the bad.
Promise No. 10: Photoshoot (No Progress)
I have a good feeling that'll fulfill this promise with Summer rolling along. Just can't put my fingers on who I'd like to do this with. It requires thinking, but if anyone's willing, just let me know.
This was one of my favorite shot sequences, Will Rodgers' popping the champagne after winning the Carneros 200 last Saturday.
If you want an idea why I love photography so much, and a good idea why it's a promise I'd love to accomplish. Here's my tweet:
Promise No. 11: Video Profiles on People (No Progress)
Go see Promise No. 10!
Promise No. 12: Dream Internship (Denied)
The Mukilteo Beacon, much like the Moscow-Pullman Daily News, sees nothing in me. The Beacon never responded back regarding my interest of being an intern after saying they'll schedule an interview a few months ago.
Same comment from my last blog, but it's just an afterthought today!
Promise No. 13: Get a Support System (Accomplished)
Not that I have a video production job at Angel of the Winds Arena, I must say that I should be getting a support system over time. Only thing is this particular gig goes by "availability," so there may be days or months where not a lot is happening which will suck at first, but once Fall rolls along, it'll be a fun ride!
Eight graduation ceremonies in a span of three days, shooting several live events and trying spotlight for the first time (I love shooting videos than spotlights because I feel more comfortable). Some were great, some I could care less, and one in particular dragged on forever. Literally! Macho Man Randy Savage's entrance music (Pomps and Circumstances) didn't go 20 minutes when he won the WWF title for the first time at WrestleMania IV in 1988.
The support is also there at the Tribune, more so that I've had a motorsports weekend under my belt. I do feel 2018 will just get better (at least I feel that way).
Promise No. 14: Memoir Project (In Progress)
Still haven't missed a day, but the past few days has been so underwhelming that I hope the next few are eventful to fully describe the good, the bad, and the ugly side of my year-long journey. Almost used half of my journal as the second half of the year is about to commence.
For now, I'll do my thing and conquer more promises over the next two months. Until we meet again, if you read this, I can't think you enough! Means a lot that you care enough to know what's happening with my life. These past two months has been a learning curve, and doing what I love makes it worthwhile!
As Darrell Waltrip said at Pocono in 1998:
"They didn't put quite enough dirt on me. Kicked it off and crawled back out. I've been in holes before and crawling out of a pretty deep one right now, but damn this is good!"
For now, doubt me if you insist, prove me wrong if I give consent.